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14筆資料, 第1/2頁,
型式 計量方式 ST 計量名稱 符號 轉換係數 代碼
Electricity and Magnetism  electromotive force  volt  VLT 
Electricity and Magnetism  voltage  volt  VLT 
Electricity and Magnetism  tension  volt  VLT 
Electricity and Magnetism  reactive power  var The name of the unit is an acronym for volt-ampere­reactive.  var  V x A  D44 
Electricity and Magnetism  potential difference  volt  VLT 
Electricity and Magnetism  apparent power  volt - ampere  V·A  D46 
Electricity and Magnetism  electric potential  volt  VLT 
Electricity and Magnetism  electric field strength  volt per centimetre  V/cm  V/m⁻²  D47 
Electricity and Magnetism  electric field strength  volt per millimetre  V/mm  kV/m  D51 
Electricity and Magnetism  electric field strength  volt per metre  V/m  V/m  D50 
14筆資料, 第1/2頁,