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102筆資料, 第1/11頁,
型式 計量方式 ST 計量名稱 符號 轉換係數 代碼
Acoustics  mass density static pressure  pascal  Pa  Pa  PAL 
Acoustics  (instantaneous) sound pressure  pascal  Pa  Pa  PAL 
Acoustics  sound intensity  picowatt per square metre  pW/m²  10⁻¹² W/m²  C76 
Acoustics  characteristic impedance of a medium surface density of mechanical impedance  pascal second per metre  Pa· s/m  Pa x s/m  C67 
Acoustics  acoustic impedance  pascal second per cubic metre  Pa·s/m³  Pa x s/m³  C66 
Acoustics  loudness level  phon A unit of subjective sound loudness. A sound has loudness p phons if it seems to the listener to be equal in loudness to the sound of a pure tone of frequency 1 kilohertz and strength p decibels.      C69 
Electricity and Magnetism  active power  picowatt  pW  10⁻¹² W  C75 
Electricity and Magnetism  power (for direct current)  picowatt  pW  10⁻¹² W  C75 
Electricity and Magnetism  capacitance  picofarad  pF  10⁻¹² F  4T 
Electricity and Magnetism  (electric constant))  picofarad per metre  pF/m  10⁻¹² F/m  C72 
102筆資料, 第1/11頁,