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65筆資料, 第1/7頁,
型式 計量方式 ST 計量名稱 符號 轉換係數 代碼
Atomic and Nuclear Physics  activity  gigabecquerel  GBq  10⁹ Bq  GBQ 
Electricity and Magnetism  active power  gigawatt  GW  10⁹ W  A90 
Electricity and Magnetism  (complex impedances)  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  impedance  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  (complex impedances)  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  modulus of impedance  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  resistance (to alternating current)  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  reactance  gigaohm  GΩ  10⁹ Ω  A87 
Electricity and Magnetism  power (for direct current)  gigawatt  GW  10⁹ W  A90 
Electricity and Magnetism  volume density of charge,  gigacoulomb per cubic metre  GC/m³  10⁹ C/m³  A84 
65筆資料, 第1/7頁,